An Evil Thought
International officials are really not used to wearing their Kill Cords.
One official on a recent course assured me that if I fell out he would come back and get me. Which was to ignore the possibility that we would all be thrown into the water and be dodging a rampant powerboat.
The evil thought is that if World Sailing can justify the ramping up of penalties under Rule 42 for illegal propulsion (on the third penalty you are required to leave the event) Perhaps they could do the same thing for officials not wearing Kill Cords. A reminder for the first two occurrences but after the third occurrence at an event they would not be permitted to drive a powerboat at the event.
I do my best to always wear the kill cord and to switch the engine off when changing driver. Changing driver is probably the most dangerous time, as this is when an accidental trip can send you crashing into the throttle, resulting in you and your partner getting thrown into the water, with the kill cord attached to nothing but the boat.